Discovering the Secret Sauce to Success from Entrepreneurs, Creators, Business owners, and all-around interesting people


  • Delve into the origins of their ideas, products & adventures. What were the costs, and what did it entail? Unveiling the creative madness it takes to continue the GRIND

  • Take a look inside the minds of our guests and their mentors as their journey unfolds before you on the way to massive success.

  • Listen in as we discover the untold greatness & glory of our guests and learn what eventually caused their journeys’ tipping point to come into view and how they sustain their momentum.

The secret sauce of our brand is simply the success formula of each of our guests!

"Discover the genius behind entrepreneurs, business owners, creators, and all-around interesting people and how they went from the grind to growth to greatness. Uncover their unique insights and valuable lessons learned along the way.

Get ready to be inspired!" Lets gooooo!

Interested in being a G2G2G podcast guest?

Please email Terry Barr


Include the name, phone number, email, and job title of proposed guest.